About The Hub
Do I have to be affiliated with Pitt?
No! The Hub is open to the public.
What is The Hub?
The Hub is a connector for health resources. We are a service of the University of Pittsburgh and its schools of the health sciences. We do our work in partnership with the University Pharmacy, which serves everyone, not just students.
The University Pharmacy is an independent pharmacy that provides services to all Pitt community members and the public in connection with Student Health Services, MyHealth@Work, Environmental Health and Safety, and the schools of the health sciences.
Is my health information public?
No! The Hub uses HIPAA-protected software. Only individuals at Pitt who need access to your information as a part of your health care team will have access to your health information.
How are patient services paid for?
With the end of the federal program to cover the cost of COVID-19 vaccines and shift to the private sector, Medicare and Medicaid plans, COVID vaccines will need to be billed through patients' health insurance, similar to all other vaccines. Different health plans have varied coverage for services through their pharmacy and medical benefits. If you are unsure whether your health insurance will cover the cost of a vaccine, please call the member services phone number on the back of your insurance card.
About the Vaccines
I’ve had COVID-19 and tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies. Why do I also need to get vaccinated?
Compared to natural infection, vaccination provides a more predictable response and demonstrable efficacy against coronavirus variants. The antibody tests are not designed to assess whether patients are protected against COVID-19 but rather to detect the presence of some antibodies. Refer to the CDC page on antibodies and COVID-19 for details. Those who have had COVID-19 still need to be vaccinated to have the best protection.
Can children be vaccinated at The Hub?
Yes, for flu (ages 3 and up) and COVID-19 (ages 5 and up). The Hub can provide all recommended vaccines for patients 8 and up.
Sophia Herbert, PharmD, shares how The Hub builds vaccine confidence with children and their caregivers at the 2023 meeting of the American Pharmacists Association.
About Appointment Registration
I’m registering for a family member or on behalf of someone else. Do I need to make a new account for each person?
When scheduling for family members, you must complete all the steps of registration for each family member. You may use the same email address to create multiple accounts but must register each family member under the person’s own name.
I want to schedule multiple services (e.g., a flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine) for the same visit. Is that possible?
Yes. Follow the prompts during the registration process to schedule an appointment for both a flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine. If you would like to receive other services during the same visit, complete steps 2-4 for the first appointment, then click on the Home button and repeat steps 2-4 for additional service(s) on the same day as your first appointment.
I am unable to complete the appointment-scheduling process online. What can I do?
We take walk-in appointments as well. If you need help scheduling an appointment or have additional questions, please stop by The Hub during operating hours, call us at +1-412-383-4372, or email TheHub@pitt.edu.