Get Involved

The Hub is a leader in the interprofessional learning landscape of higher education today. It brings together students and faculty from across the Schools of the Health Sciences to learn together and develop a deeper understanding of each other's fields. Students from the Schools of Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine and Health and Rehabilitation Sciences learn to vaccinate patients and learn from one another. And there are plenty of offerings and opportunities for people across Pitt, and our neighbors, to get involved. Email for more information.

Clinical Volunteers
Instructions for Clinical Volunteers

This information is intended for anyone who is a new volunteer and is a student or faculty member within the schools of the health sciences. You can participate as a clinical volunteer in roles such as vaccinator, patient education or medical observation. Please reach out directly to to get involved. View the instructions »

Instructions for Non-Clinical Volunteers

This information is intended for anyone who is a new volunteer that is a student or faculty member but not in the health sciences. You can participate as a non-clinical volunteer in roles such as Patient Assistance and/or Patient Registration.  View the instructions »

Partner with us
Partner with us
  • On patient education - for Pitt and neighbors
  • On providing vaccines to your community - for Pitt and neighbors
  • On co-designing student learning experiences - for faculty and staff